UNLV Buchanan Natatorium


UNLV Buchanan Natatorium
850 E. Harmon Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89119 United States
Map, Weather
Buchanan Natatorium does not have its own address so best plan is to use this nearby address: 850 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Or use these GPS coordinates: 36.10913721140823,-115.14641761529799
Be careful with parking! Arrive early. Get a campus parking pass, or park at the meters near the pool.
Buchanan Natatorium is in the Paul McDermott Physical Education - Building D (MPE-D) on E. Harmon Ave just east of Swenson St.
Walk on the asphalt path with tennis courts on your left. You'll see a football training field ahead on the left. The pool is on the right. Enter the gates and then enter the pool at the last door in the corner.