
Competition Name
The 2013 Iditaswim Check-Off Challenge
Meet Dates
Tue, 1/1/2013 - Sat, 11/30/2013

The 2013 Check-Off Challenge is sponsored by Alaska Masters Swimming and sanctioned by the Alaska Masters LMSC for USMS, Inc., sanction #563-S002.


The CHECK-OFF CHALLENGE is a postal event designed to motivate swimmers to complete 19 “pool” events and an "open water swim" during the 2013 calendar year. It challenges all levels of swimmers. Novice swimmers can swim new events. Experienced swimmers can try for their personal best times in as many events as practical. Simply “Check-off” each swim on your t-shirt when you complete the event (see t-shirt design below).

Where and when do I accomplish the Check-Off Challenge?
The events may be swum in practice or in meets, in yards or in meters, any time during 2013. The challenge is to complete all events or try new events.

COACHES: Sign up your entire team and use the event as a team challenge. Spread out the events over a period of time during practice sessions, progressively building up to the tougher events. The entire team can work together, completing all of the events.
The event is open to registered Masters swimmers. Enter online on Club Assistant or fill out the paper entry form. You must have your 2013 registration number before you can enter.

How do I score the Check-Off Challenge?
“Scoring” is simple – just mark the event on the bullseye target on the back of the t-shirt or use this handy scoring sheet if you don’t want to mark your t-shirt.

When do I receive my T-shirt?
Swimmers whose entries are received by the end of each month will receive their shirt and cap in the following month. Entries will be accepted until November 1, 2013.

How much does it cost?
Each entry is $24, which includes a custom-designed Check-Off Challenge t-shirt ($27 for XXL t-shirts), Alaska Masters sockeye salmon swim cap and shipping.


Event Director
If you miss the entry deadline and are still interested in a purchasing a shirt or have other questions, please contact Joanne Wainwright at

Any Pool
Course Description
25 Yards / Indoor
Date Entry Due
Sat, 11/30/2013