
Distance Free 3,600 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore

Workout - 10113
Warm-up (1200)
200 swim, 200 drill, 200 pull
...all with 10 sec. rest
Kick 4 x 125's  on 2:45
Swim 100 ez  

Set (800)
Swim 100, 4 x 50's, 100, 3 x 50, 100, 2 x 50, 100, 1 x 50
...100's are set up on 1;30, 50's are 500 goal pace on :45

Set (1000)
Swim 2 x 500 on 5:45 or 6:00 or 6:15 or 6:30
...done for best average possible

Set (500)
2 rounds
Swim 3 x 50's best possible average on 1:00
100 recovery on 2:00

Cool-down (200)
Swim 200 moderate to EZ