
0 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore

Workout - 11812
Warm Up (600)
400 Swim
200 pull 
...breath 3,5,7,5 per 50

Set (600)
2 x 300 5:30
1st 300 
...alt 50 kick and 50 swim
2nd 300 
...alt 50 stroke and 50 swim

Set (2100)
3 x 200 2:50, 2:45, 2:40
2 x 50 kick 1:00
6 x 100 on 2:00 FAST
2 x 50 kick 1:00
3 x 200 2:45, 2:40, 2:35
2 x 50 kick 1:00

Cool-down (200)
200 EZ choice