
Sprint 3,400 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore

Workout - 17145
Warm Up (600)

12 x 50's on :50

Set (400)

8 x 50's on :50

...25 drill/25 swim  

Set (1600)

4 rounds

200 build on 3:00

100 free EZ 2:00 

2 x 50 Sprint on 1:15

...1st and 3rd rounds-Stroke 

...2nd and 4th rounds-Free


Set (400)

Kick 8 x 50 on 1:05 

...25 moderate/25 hard 

Set (200)

8 x 25 on :30

…odd FAST…even EZ

Cool-down (200)

200 choice 

...moderate to easy