
Target Heart Rate Test Set 3,300 Yards
Designed by Jeff Taylor

Workout - 19905
Warm-up (800)
2 rounds
200 swim/kick choice
4 x 50 on 1:00

Set (250)
5 x 50 kick on 1:00 or 15 seconds rest

Test Set (1000)
10 x 100 free
…choose an interval in multiples of :10 (1:10 to 2:30)
…the interval should give you :10 rest
…pace should be at your aerobic threshold

Set (250)
5 x 50 kick on 1:00 or 15 seconds rest

Test Set (1000)
10 x 100 free
…choose an interval in multiples of :10 (1:10 to 2:30)
…the interval should be :10 seconds faster than the first round
…pace should be at your aerobic threshold