
Distance Free 3,600 Yards
Designed by Mark Moore

Workout - 20475
Warm up (600)
200 catch up
200 free
200 stroke

Set (600)
6 x 100
...2 free on 1:20
...1 kick on 2:00

Set (2300)
round 1: descend the 200s.
100 moderate on 1:30/200 on 2:30
2 x100 moderate on 1:30/200 on 2:30
3 x 100 moderate on 1:30/200 on 2:30
round 2: descend the 100s.
200 moderate on 2:40/100 on 1:20
200 moderate on 2:40/2 x 100 on 1:20
200 moderate on 2:40/3 x 100 on 1:20

Cool down (100)
easy 100