
Sprint 2,800 Yards
Designed by Jeff Taylor

Workout - 23240
2800	53:00	
Warm Up (500) (10:00)	
300 choice, 100 kick, 100 drill on 10:00	
Set (600) (11:00)	
3 rounds	
50 choice scull on 1:10	
50 choice kick on 1:00	
50 choice swim on :50	
50 free on :40	
Set (300) (6:00)	
6 x 50 choice kick on 1:00	
…all kicks originate in the core	
Set (900) (18:30)	
3 rounds	
2 x 50 free on :45  hold :35 to :40	
50 free fast on 1:30	
2 x 50 choice on :50  hold :40 to :45	
50 choice fast on 1:30	
Set (500) (7:30)	
500 pull	
…gently, aerobically and correctly	
…keep lower body very still and straight	
…keep hand underneath shoulder while pulling	
…after entry let bubbles come off hand before pulling