
Mid-Distance Free 4,500 Yards
Designed by Audrey Viers

Workout - 23590
6:30 start set- 600 yards
8x50 rest 10-15 sec
2 fly drill/free
2 back drill/free
2 breast drill/free
2 free drill/free
2x100 kick- 25 ez, 25 fast 10 sec rest

Pre-set- 1200 yards 
3 rounds
odds kick/drill/swim 1:30 (IM preferred)
	evens choice 1:10
4x25 fast kick *no fins* :40

Main set- 1700 yards
All: #1 FAST, #2 EZ

2x50 :45
2x75 1:15
2x100 1:30
2x150 2:10
200 ez, plus minute rest
2x150 2:00
2x100 1:20
2x75 1:00
2x50 :40

Pull Set- 800 yards
3x150 aerobic, with snorkel 2:00
3x100 des 1-3 1:20
3x50 strong with fast turnover :45

200 ez
3 minute float