
Technique 3,900 Yards
Designed by Audrey Viers

Workout - 23938
W/U 600 yards
4 x 100- 50 kick/50 build free
4 x 50 stroke- 25 drill/25 swim

6:30 set 800 yards
4 rounds
3 x 50 drill 1:00 
50 hard, 80-90% 1:00
	drill suggestions- fist, 6 kick 3 stroke, UW free
	stroke option- add :10 to drill interval

Pre-set 900 yards
12 x 75 1:10
	focus on perfect strokes, nail turns

Main set 1600 yards
4 rounds
200 neg split 3:00
4 x 50 sprint first and last 12.5 no breath 1:00