
Test Set 2,900 Yards
Designed by Jeff Taylor

Workout - 24307
2900 yards	50:00

Warm Up (500) (10:00)	
300 choice, 100 kick, 100 drill on 10:00	
Set (600) (12:00)	
3 x 200 choice rest :30 between	
...scull, kick, drill, swim by 50s	
Test Set (1000) (15:00)	
10 x 100 	
…choose an interval from 1:30 to 2:00	
…find an uncomfortable pace and hold it	
Set (800) (13:00)	
3 x 100 pull on 1:30	
…descend 1 -3	
4 x 50 choice kick on 1:00	
3 x 100 pull on 1:30	
…descend 1 -3	
Cool down 200 choice