
Sprint/Stroke 2,900 Yards
Designed by Jeff Taylor

Workout - 25360
2900 yards	55:00

Warmup (500) (10:00)	
300 swim / 100 drill / 100 kick	
Set (550) (8:50)	
9 x 50 choice kick with a board	
…odds on :50	
…evens on 1:10	
Set (600) (10:00)	
Pull set with paddles only	
12 x 50 on :50	
…1st 25 no more than 2 breaths	
Set (750) (11:30)	
3 x 50 on :50….descend 1 - 3	
3 x 50 on :45….descend 1 - 3	
3 x 50 on :40….descend 1 - 3	
3 x 50 on :45….descend 1 - 3	
3 x 50 on :50….descend 1 - 3	
Set (600) (14:40)	
8 rounds	
25 fast choice on :40	
25 ez choice on :35	
25 kick on :35