
Sprint 2,800 LC Meters
Designed by Mark Moore

Workout - 7091
Warm up (1000):
200 free
2 rounds
200 on 3:45
100 kick on 3:00
2 x 50 drill on 1:15

Set (1500):
(4 rounds)
50 easy @ 1:30
3 x 50 breath control on :50 (4cb, 6cb, 8cb by 50)
FAST swim
Rounds 1 and 3, the FAST swim is 100 free on 1:20
Rounds 2 and 4, the FAST swim is a 200 free on 2:40

100 easy

Warm Down (300):
6 x 50's-
2 kick on 1:15
2 swim on 1:00
2 kick on 1:15